The world is quickly reaching a global environmental crisis, one that will be impossible to mitigate without major changes in our current ways of life. One of the biggest culprits behind this impending disaster is fossil fuels. They are the number one source of carbon emissions, which means they are the number one source of air pollution. The byproducts of combustion (burning) fossil fuels not only pollute our environment but also release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that contribute to global climate change.

Solar energy is a promising and efficient form of renewable energy that can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Not only does it help reduce air pollution and carbon emissions, but it also helps reduce Earth’s pollution levels. In this article, we will explore four ways how solar energy can do just that.

1 – It’s an abundant resource

We are facing a global energy crisis. According to a Southern Highlands solar installer, “when done correctly, solar power can bring decades of cheap electricity to your home”. There are too many people and not enough energy output via traditional paths to meet the demand. In addition to this, technology is constantly evolving, further fueling the want for more electricity. The quick and easy fix is to pull out the coal and oil, but that will only give us a short-term solution (if it can even be called a solution). Solar energy offers us one of the most sustainable ways to meet the world’s growing energy needs. Solar energy comes from sunlight. It is the best resource due to its abundance. The is no cost to make solar power, only for us to harvest it. It is one of the most powerful energy sources on Earth, and it is completely abundant. Installing solar panels or investing in other forms of solar energy can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which not only means we’re producing less air pollution and carbon emissions but also that we’re investing in a clean, renewable source of energy that won’t run out. According to the International Energy Agency, solar energy could meet nearly a quarter of world demand by 2060.

2 – There is no air pollution

The need for renewable sources of energy is becoming more urgent every day. We are quickly approaching a global environmental crisis, one that will be impossible to mitigate without major changes in our current ways of life. One of the biggest culprits behind this impending disaster is fossil fuels. They are the number one source of carbon emission, which means they are the number one source of air pollution. The byproducts of combustion (burning) fossil fuels not only pollute our environment but also release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that contribute to global climate change. Due to the very nature of solar energy, there is no combustion. It’s completely clean, so solar panels have zero impact on air quality.

3 – Solar energy protects the environment outside our homes

The environment outside our immediate surroundings is just as important as the area we live in. How we treat it affects not only us but also future generations. Since solar energy is free, it has minimal cost to the environment. The only major byproduct of harvesting solar energy is heating. There are no emissions to pollute the environment. Solar energy is simply absorbed by our planet’s surface and then released as heat. If solar energy was used more often, the only major change would be that heat being released into the atmosphere.

4 – Impact on climate change is lessened

The energy crisis cannot be solved overnight. It will take time and dedication. For decades, we have been relying on fossil fuels for our energy needs, both commercial and residential. Slowly but surely we will start to rely more and more on renewable sources of energy, like solar energy. By using solar energy, we can reduce our carbon footprint and positively impact climate change. In 2013, solar energy saved more than ten million tons of CO from entering the atmosphere. In that same year, solar also prevented an estimated two hundred and eighty-one million tons of CO in the atmosphere.

We’ve talked about 4 ways how solar energy can help reduce Earth pollution. Solar power is not only a sustainable and renewable resource, but it also has little to no impact on the environment outside our homes or buildings. In addition, by using more of this clean source of energy we can reduce carbon emissions which will have a positive effect on global climate change. If you’re looking for an alternative way to meet your electricity needs that don’t rely heavily on fossil fuels, then consider solar panels as one possible solution! We want to create better lives with less environmental harm, so let’s keep exploring what options are available today, together?


Image Credit: Craig Coker / Shutterstock

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